Sunday, September 21, 2008

Did you hear of Healing

Pulpa Acai PowderProtect Yourself And Your Fetus' Health From Snoring

Almost 30 percent of pregnant women snore. This often takes place during the third semester. Though snoring is common during pregnancy, health hazards to the mother and the fetus do exist.

Why Do Pregnant Women Snore

One of the possibilities could be due to estrogen. During pregnancy, your level of estrogen increases which leads to higher volume of mucus in the nasal passages. Consequently, the mucous membrane along the nose swells and blocks the airways, causing snoring to occur.

Higher levels of estrogen also relaxes your neck muscles. The fat surrounding your neck combined with relaxation of the neck muscles makes you snore.

Health Impact On Pregnant Women Due To Snoring

Heavy snoring can affect your respiratory system. You also feel tired during the day and may experience high blood pressure. If you give it little attention, it can advance to sleep apnea.

A study shows that 14 percent of pregnant women who snore have hypertension. In another separate study, 52 percent have swollen face, hands, legs and feet compared to those who don't snore.

All these symptoms can put you at high health risk.

Effect of Snoring on Fetus

If you suffer from sleep apnea, the growth of your unborn child may be affected. Usually, the child has lower birth weight.

Simple Snoring Remedies For Pregnant Women

You can overcome snoring problems by sleeping on your sides. Moreover, you are more relaxed in this position as the weight of your belly is shifted.

You should avoid alcohol consumption and stop smoking. Alcohol relaxes your throat muscles which lead to blockage of the air passages. Cigarette smoke induces more mucous in the throat area and obstruct the nasal passages. Both of which causes you to snore.

Even though you may stop snoring after the delivery, snoring during pregnancy is still a warning sign. Should you snore excessively, seek your doctor's advice on how to prevent snoring. The impact from snoring can be devastating to you and your fetus.

Andy Lim writes for to help pregnant women eliminate snoring. Discover more remedies for snoring during pregnancy at his web site.

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