Wednesday, December 03, 2008

Did you hear of Holistic

News on RoobibosSupplements

What You, Worry?

I am always amused what people are worried about nowadays.
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Echinacea Powder

Hang Your Plants: I remember my dog, as a puppy, had an affinity for getting into plants. Sometimes she would dig them up, sometimes she would pee on them, and sometimes � mistaking them for a salad bar � she would eat them. This, turns out, wasn't a good idea: some plants are edible, but others can be poisonous. Your veterinarian can provide you with a list of plants that are harmful to pets, including Aloe Vera, tomato plants, rhododendron, English Ivy, and mistletoe. Instead of leaving these, or any plants, on ground level, hang them from the ceiling. Chances are your puppy won�t figure out how to use a ladder.
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Echinacea Powder

Bladder and Urinary Tract Health



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