Wednesday, April 02, 2008

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All Seasons Health Wheatgrass PowderDieting: It May be All in the Timing

You begin your typical day with a croissant and a coffee. By mid-morning, you're a bit overwhelmed with work and so you eat some potato chips. At lunch, you're starving again so you eat a few slices of pizza and more potato chips. By mid-afternoon, you're bored again, so you decide to sneak in a candy bar. Dinner means a multi-course meal of steak, potatoes with sour cream, some pasta, and strawberry ice cream. Right before bed, you decide to sneak in another candy bar.

Of course, there are obvious problems with this kind of diet. But, aside from the questionable nutritional value of the food, there's also the problem of the timing of the meals and snacks. When dieting, it's not only a question of what you eat. When you eat also matters. But, if you've been conditioned to have three square meals a day and as many snacks as you want, how can you go about changing your behavior?

To begin with, you should only eat when you're actually hungry. This means you should not eat out of boredom, sadness, fear, or for any other emotional reasons. Food exists as fuel to help rev up your body for the challenges you face each day. You should not look upon food as a means of comfort or a path to love.

At times, you may notice that you reach for a snack because you just want a break from your routine. Maybe your work is getting to you, or your children are trying your patience. You have to recognize the fact that eating for emotional reasons is a learned behavior; so, in order to reverse course, you simply have to unlearn the behavior. It may take some time, but eventually you'll find that you are able to limit your eating to those times when your hunger pains start.

But you should also know that just because a person eats often, that does not necessarily mean that he or she is overeating. A number of reputable diet plans recommend eating five or six small meals a day in order to keep your metabolism humming and to ward off hunger. However, these meals should be carefully planned in advance.

Otherwise, you could find yourself packing on the pounds because of your frequent snacks. For instance, you might plan to eat bran cereal for your first meal of the day, a bowl of strawberries for your second, some light turkey on whole wheat bread and some apricots for your third, a cup of yogurt for your fourth, some low-fat cheese and crackers for your fifth, and lean roast beef, green beans, and jello for your sixth meal of the day.

When should you eat your small meals? They should be scattered throughout the day--no more than four hours apart. In this way, you can keep your metabolism up, enabling you to burn calories consistently throughout the morning and afternoon. Generally speaking, however, you should only eat when you're actually experiencing hunger.

A survey conducted in 1999 found that 60 percent of Americans skip breakfast. However, you should be aware of the fact that eating breakfast can be a key to losing weight. If you don't skip breakfast, you'll find that you'll burn calories faster, leading to weight loss.

Try to avoid eating late-night snacks. This is because your body will probably store the calories rather than burn them off. Again, your snacking may not be the result of actual hunger but simply because you have nothing better to do at that time of the night. Simply changing your nightly routine may help you to keep away from food at the midnight hour.

No doubt, it can be quite difficult to change your eating routine. You may have eaten three large meals all your life, and you find it difficult to stop. However, just a few subtle changes will help to transform both your day--and your appetite. If you find yourself reverting to your old routine, forgive yourself, and start again. If you are kind to yourself, it's more likely that you will eventually be able to find a diet plan you can live with--one that will not only help you lose weight, but keep you satisfied as well.

About the Author

As a Teacher of Sport and Physical Education, Tony Robinson has a keen interest in Health and Weight Loss issues. For handy hints and tips for weight loss visit

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HolisticAtkins Diet Phase Two - Ongoing Weight Loss

If you have made it past the initial induction phase of the Atkins Diet, congratulations on accomplishing the first stage of your weight loss goal. The Ongoing Weight Loss program you are entering into now is where you will being to customize the Atkins program to fit your individual tastes which is what makes the Atkins Diet Program so unique in the diet and weight loss world.

Even though you are now allowed a little more flexibility than in the induction phase of the program this second stage will continue to amaze you with the how much the weight will continue to drop and the fat melt off. You will begin to see a gradual slow down of the rate in which the weight loss and inches lost occur. This is a normal and deliberate part of the plan so don't let it bother you. Just bear in mind that just because you are being allowed a few more carbs it doesn't mean you can go back to eating whatever you want. You must eat good quality carbs and steer clear of junk carbs such as white flour and sugar.

You must also have a set goal. Do not just make a goal of losing some weight, have a specific amount of weight you want to lose and write the goal down. It is much easier to visualize you end goal when it is written down. You must visualize and see how your body will look and how you will feel when you reach your goal.

With the Ongoing Weight Loss Program you will learn to continue to burn and dissolve fat, maintain control of your appetite, learn how many more carbs you can take in and eat a wider choice of foods.

The following are the main rules of Ongoing Weight Loss:

Keep protein and fat as the mainstays of your nutritional regimen
Do not increase your daily carb intake by more than five grams a week
Add new foods in the order listed in the Atkins carb ladder
Only add one food group at a time
Stop new foods immediately if they promote weight gain or increased cravings
Continue on Ongoing Weight Loss until you have five to ten pounds to lose.

If you follow these guidelines you are sure to be successful in your quest for weight loss.

About the Author

Gregg Hall is a business consultant and author for many online and offline businesses and lives in Navarre Florida with his 16 year old son. Get your Atkins Diet products at