Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Raw Diets Updates

Raw Diets NewsSpirulina Powder Spirulina Tablets Spirulina Capsules

The fuel you put into your body can make all the difference to your health and energy levels. Practicing good nutrition means learning about food. It does not mean dieting. Understanding which foods give you energy and which rob you of your vitality is essential to keeping you at your best. Different metabolisms call for different combinations of fat, protein and carbohydrates, and through being aware of what you�re eating and how you�re feeling you will know what foods combine to bring you maximum energy.

While becoming clear which foods work best for you, start thinking about the size and frequency of your meals. Eating small amounts five or six times a day has proven to be better for us than three large meals. It is easier on the digestive system and provides a more constant, even flow of energy to the body, avoiding the hunger peaks and valleys. You�ll be less tempted to grab that chocolate bar or bag of potato chips to get you through the afternoon, and you�ll arrive home with better energy to face the evening.
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Spirulina Powder Spirulina Tablets Spirulina Capsules


A blog about Hemp Seed Oil

HolisticBee Pollen Royal Jelly

Bee Pollen Royal Jelly is a substance produced by young nurse bees as larvae food. The bee pollen royal jelly is fed to young bees during their maturation process while the queen bee receives bee pollen royal jelly for it?s entire life. The queen bee?s life span is approximately five years while a worker bee?s average lifetime is thirty days.

The Breakdown of Bee Pollen Royal Jelly

Let?s examine what properties can be found in bee pollen royal jelly in order to fully understand how it can benefit human beings. Bee pollen royal jelly, like bee pollen itself, is loaded with protein, vitamins B1, B2, B6, C and E. It also contains niacin, pantothentic acid, biotin, mositol as well as folic acid. The boost in bee pollen royal jelly is, on average, seventeen times as much pantothentic acid than that found in the dry bee pollen.

The Uses of Bee Pollen Royal Jelly

Recent ongoing studies indicate the value of bee pollen royal jelly is nearly priceless in treating a variety of health issues. Bee pollen royal jelly has been indicated as a useful tool in treating ovarian insufficiency, bronchial asthma, liver diseases, skin disorders such as eczema, accelerates healing properties in the mending of broken bones and damaged tissues, as well as eating disorders such as anorexia. Bee pollen royal jelly is being used as an alternate to chemical inducing sexual aids and is known to promote sexual rebuilding.

Bee Pollen Royal Jelly: For the bee or for me?

As I mentioned in the first paragraph, bee pollen royal jelly is the lifetime staple food for the queen bee while the worker bees are only given it over a period of maturation, which typically is about three days. The queen bee lives for five years and in those five years is capable of laying 3, 000 eggs per day during the season. She is known to lay these eggs, in these quantities, for the duration of her life. It appears that there is a direct link between bee pollen royal jelly and the lifetime span and energy of the queen bee.

The worker bee lives for approximately 30 days and is fed bee pollen royal jelly for only three days of their short lives. This makes us question naturally, the potency and affects that bee pollen royal jelly can have on humans.

Keep watching for this bee pollen royal jelly to come out as a modern medical miracle as it?s uses and known affects, are presently being discovered.

The product we personally use, located in the pristine source of New Zealand, is the most natural bee pollen source we have come across - http://www.bee-health-product.com

We have been using this supplement for over 3 years with excellent health results. We have achieved a general sense of well being and new improved energy levels.

We highly recommend you check out our bee pollen supplement of choice for further information.

John Gibb runs a series of health websites; we offer a free health book for subscribers to our websites newsletter. We cover everything you need to know on nutrition and how to improve your general overall health. Check out our nutrition e-book, for more information on our nutrition book.

Our thoughts on Hemp Seed OilNaturally Green Blog - Wheatgrass

Hormonal imbalance can lead to moderate depression. A common treatment is natural progesterone for women. Other natural substances help balance hormones e.g. flax oil, black cohosh, dimpro, promensil, essential fatty acids, red clover, virtex berry and many other naturally derived supplements.
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Naturally Green Blog - Wheatgrass

Maca Powder - Organic Peruvian Maca Powder.
