Friday, May 30, 2008

The latest Informaiton on Holistic Remedy

Holistic RemedyChoosing a Healthy Lifestyle

Nobody enjoys being sick...well, most people don't. There are those who actually thrive on it, but the chances of you being one of those people are slim. Many people try many things to achieve good health - and they spend a great deal of money doing it. But that really isn't necessary. Choosing a healthy lifestyle does not mean that you have to spend a fortune on products that probably will not work anyway. A healthy lifestyle is achieved by making the decision to live a healthy lifestyle and following through on it.

Before you can start living a healthy lifestyle, you must first take a look at the lifestyle that you currently have. Write it down. Make a list of all of the unhealthy things you do now, as well as the healthy things that you do. Be honest with yourself, and even ask others what they think that you do that may be unhealthy. Once you have that list, you are ready to start making changes.

First, realize that stopping some things is difficult, and could even be unhealthy. For instance, if you smoke, it will be very hard to stop. If you are an alcoholic, it will also be very hard to stop, but stopping cold turkey will have some ill effects on your health. In most cases, these ill effects are short term, but you should be under the supervision of a trained medical professional when you are going through the detoxification process.

Sometimes, changing bad habits is a psychological thing. For instance, if you smoke after a meal, you will need something else to do after eating from now on - something that involves your hands, your mouth, and even your breathing. For instance, you might work on a craft, while sucking on some hard candy and practicing some deep breathing exercises - all at the same time. It doesn't matter what you do, but you will need to fill that void somehow, or your subconscious mind will make it difficult not to reach for that cigarette.

Take a look at all of the unhealthy things that you now do, and determine what you can do in place of those unhealthy things. For example, if you eat a chocolate bar everyday, eat a piece of fruit instead. If you don't exercise enough, choose an activity that will essentially give you thirty minutes of exercise each day, such as walking. If you go to a bar and drink two or three times a week, join a club that meets several times a week, where alcohol is not served.

Changing your lifestyle isn't easy. It takes a concentrated effort. It can be done, but if you feel like you are punishing yourself or being deprived, you will return to your old unhealthy lifestyle in short order. Replace bad habits with good habits - and don't leave anything unattended on your list of bad habits!

About the Author

Kevin regularly writes informative articles about general health issues and healthy living, you can read more at his site:Future Health Guide

Natural RemediesLife enhancing remedies with natural herbs - Denbighshire Free Press

Sun, 18 May 2008 20:20:49 GMT

Life enhancing remedies with natural herbs
Denbighshire Free Press, UK - May 18, 2008
Monday marks the start of Herbal Awareness Week (May 19 - 26) with the focus firmly set at using herbal remedies to provide first aid for the minor ailments ...

Australasian Business Intelligence - Natural remedies seen as dab in the dark.

Mon, 08 Jan 2007 08:00:00 GMT
January 8, 2007 -- Byline: Bellinda Kontominas Jan 08, 2007 (The Sydney Morning Herald - ABIX via COMTEX) -- Research by Australia's "Choice" magazine...

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