Friday, October 03, 2008

A blog about Maca Energy

General HealthMaintaining a Healthy (human) Gut!

Ever have one of those rides where you knew your stomach was going to have a bad day before you ever got on your horse? All of a sudden you find yourself calling to the birds and local wildlife. Or trying to find a tall bush or rock. Most of us that have done a lot of rides have at one time or another become ill or queasy, either from a cold or flu or simply from something we ate.

Often when we feel bad, we don?t like to eat. Believe it or not, food may actually help. In fact, some foods will make you feel better and shorten the duration of the illness. The BRAT diet, often recommended for diarrhea, consists of bananas, rice, apples (or applesauce), and toast (white). These bland foods put soluble fiber in your system, which slows the passage of food through your intestinal tract.

Avoid fatty foods that contain nuts or chocolate, dairy products, alcohol, caffeine, and foods thick with insoluble fiber, such as whole grains, bran, beans, and leafy vegetables. Steer clear of regular ride snacks like jerky, candy, energy bars, and raisins, which may worsen your condition.
Most importantly, drink plenty of fluids to prevent dehydration. Drink at least 12 cups a day, and twice that if you're sweating heavily. For maximum benefit, take small sips throughout the day instead of chugging at rest breaks. If you brought along sports drinks, dilute (4 parts water to 1 part sports drink) and sip them instead of water, since they help replace the sodium and potassium lost with each trip to the bushes. Remember to drink past the feeling of thirst, since that sensation shuts off quickly once you begin drinking. In fact, it actually turns off before you've replenished lost fluids.

Sodas and juices don't work as well as fluid-replacement solutions during exercise because their relatively high carbohydrate concentrations of 10 to 14 percent slow fluid absorption in the intestinal tract. Most sports drinks contain half the carbohydrate content of these other beverages. Small amounts of electrolytes (sodium) added to many sports drinks also boost fluid absorption.

Riders have suggested drinks such as Soy Milk, Emergen-C and Ensure to help them keep from getting queasy and keeping their energy levels up. I find that a drink of Pepto-Bismol an hour before the start will keep my stomach from becoming upset. A friend of mine takes an Imodium tablet before the start of every ride.

Here are a few recipes and ideas supplied from endurance riders that are not only quick and easy to make, but healthy and hopefully will make your stomach happy on ride day!

You can make delicious meals featuring fish, chicken, fresh vegetables, rice, and legumes in minutes with a pressure cooker. Recipes can be found at

One of my favorite things to eat on a ride is soooooo simple to make. Dice fresh tomatoes, garlic, parsley, salt and pepper and pour olive oil over it to marinade (no measuring necessary...add to you liking). You don't cook this and I like to put it in a Tupperware container for a couple days. You can pre-cook pasta or cook it there. Serve the tomato mixture over the pasta, add parmesan cheese if you want and Yummmmm. Leighsa Rosendaul

I always have cappuccino and hot chocolate packed in the camper, as well as Chicken Chili cans, spaghetti and baked beans. If the weather turns cold, we can warm up with a can of Chicken Chili dumped over spaghetti noodles - total time to cook and serve 10 minutes. Alison Farrin

Recipes? I bring a already baked chicken, or anything that I can pop into the
Microwave. Lasagna, yum. Peggie Norton

Ride morning

One can Vanilla Ensure

One banana

Two Aleve

Four Advil
-John Bass personal favorite, forget your food and just park next to Rebecca Jankovitch!
Becky and the gang.

Post ride beverage (not for queasy stomachs): Cook 11 1/2 Tablespoons of Instant Yuban Coffee, 4 cups sugar, and 2 cups water until sugar disolves. Boil till thickened slightly. Cool completely. Add 1 1/2 tablespoons of vanilla and a fifth of CHEAP vodka. Put in dark bottle and let sit for 3 weeks. Warning.....use only YUBAN coffee and CHEAP vodka and only a fifth. I know from experience. Stoli just doesn't work and a quart is way too much.....Also I have let it cure for about 5 days instead of three weeks and it is still good...It is good with chocolate, cream, coffee and just over the rocks......Maryben Stover

Recipes for Sports Drinks:

Making your own will cost about 6 cents for a 20 ounce sports bottle's worth, a whopping savings over the $1 or so you will pay for a bottle of Gatorade or Powerade at the store.

Basic Sports Drink

1 quart (32 oz) or 1 liter water

1/3 cup sugar

1/4 teaspoon table salt

Flavoring to taste - orange juice, lemon juice, etc.

Keep refrigerated.

20-Oz. Sports Bottle's Worth of Sports Drink

3 tablespoons table sugar

1/8 teaspoon table salt

Flavoring to taste - orange juice, lemon juice, unsweetened Kool-Aid or Wyler's drink mix, etc. Suggest trying 2-3 tablespoons of juice or 1/3 packet of unsweetened Kool-Aid.

Fill halfway with water, mix well.

Top off with water.

Keep refrigerated.

Your Own Powdered Sports Drink

9 tablespoons table sugar

3/8 teaspoon table salt

1 packet unsweetened Kool-Aid or other drink mix.

Mix dry.

Portion 1/3 of the mixture into each of three ziplock bags.

To reconstitute, add contents of 1 bag to a 20-oz. sports bottle. Fill halfway with water, mix, and fill with water, mix again

Karen Chaton is a multiple award winning endurance rider with nearly 19,000 AERC miles. In 2004 and 2005 her Spanish Arabian Granite Chief+/ won the AERC National Mileage Championship and both years received the Wendell Robie Trophy from XP Rides, an honor reserved for the "Horse of the Year". Chief also won AHA's 2005 Horse of the Year Award. Karen's blog can be found at and contains lots of information on endurance riding, natural hoofcare and competing in endurance with barefoot horses.

Maca Energy ReviewsWheatgrass Juice

Maritza says the coca is a wonderful plant, every 3 months cures to you of some disease. She has been remarkable successful treating different diseases

It is not by chance that the plant has acquired a broad and diverse range of applications in the traditional medicine of the indigenous people. Its irreplaceable qualities have been demonstrated over time and throughout a vast territory. The coca leaf has established itself as the traditional remedy for treating physiological and psychological illness, and by virtue of its composition it is a powerful energy restorer for curing stomach and digestive ailments, alleviating affections of the larynx and vocal chords, preventing vertigo, regulating arterial pressure and the metabolism of carbohydrates, and even of improving sexual prowess. In his journal of 1794, Hipolito Unanue writes of "coqueros, 80 years of age and over, and yet capable of such prowess as young men in the prime of life would be proud of."

Peruvian Investigators affirm the low incidence of cardiovascular diseases in the �chacchadores� natives of coca leaves . Also the little frequency of osteoporosis and dental decays is well-known.
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Wheatgrass Juice

Hemp Deodorants

The ingestion of black tea has been shown to decrease the absorption of iron. African tea which is becoming popular may contain iron so too much should not be consumed. Don�t take milk thistle which has often been touted as good for the liver as it can cause severe problems in those with hemochromatosis.
View this websit fo...
Hemp Deodorants

Organic Spirulina Powder - 250g - �9.89

Of course aging is inevitable but we'd all like to do so gracefully and find ways to retain of our youthful appearance and presence. There are many products to assist in this quest including many herbs and nutrients that we can use to restore and keep our healthier and more youthful looking skin. Following an anti aging skin care strategy and an overall health strategy can not only help you look better but also add years to your life.

If we look at the approach of a herbalist and use a more holistic, or whole body approach we can approach this issue by not only treating the symptom but also look at the cause. A herbalist will usually recommend herbs or the parts of plants that would treat any condition from the inside out. This same principle can be applied to problems of the skin since your skin will typically reflect the issues from within.
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Organic Spirulina Powder - 250g - �9.89

Respiratory Health
Organic Peat Free Compost
| | |


PB Shakes for health

PB ShakesDiet Is Turning Search For Flavor Into Adventure

The original story I wrote for today's column has been sauteed with some onions, leeks and garlic and eaten with a glass of good wine.

I was really hungry.

This year I got a head start on my New Year's resolutions. Before the season of feasting began its annual lease, I adopted a new lifestyle.

I've traded in my sugar, carbs and fat-laden flavor enhancers for lighter portions, nutritional supplements and frequent jaunts around Lake Ella.

Dieting through the holidays was a challenge, yet I've managed to drop about 30 pounds in two months.

Creating food that tastes good enough to keep me focused on this diet is my current culinary challenge de jour. Fortunately, my mind is never idle and frequently rewards me with tasty solutions.

During fruit and veggie shopping adventures to the nearby farmer's market and the produce aisle of the grocery store, my imagination blooms with bouquets of ideas on how to marry the season's fresh and vibrant bounty in exciting new ways.

Butter, olive oil, cream and heavenly sauces have always been among the supportive ingredients that lend the rich velvet-like texture to food. Unfortunately, these flavorful additions are the bad guys that need to be eliminated from the diet, or at least used in extreme moderation.

What is a gourmet to do?

Flavor is everything to me! So these days I'm on a fabulous adventure to not only lose a significant amount of weight, but also to accomplish my objective without sacrificing taste.

By substituting heart-healthy homemade stocks and purees, creating unusual depth and intrigue to delicious meal-time adventures is a snap.

Farmer's Market Vegetable Broth is a delightful way to season food. Cook it up in the crockpot and allow it to simmer over low heat for a couple of hours or do it stove top in less than an hour. Once the broth is cooked, strain it through a fine-mesh strainer. Let cool briefly, then pour the broth into ice-cube trays and/or quart-sized freezer bags for frozen storage. Since the majority of cooking I do is for one person, the ice-cube-sized frozen stock is perfect. If you cook for a larger group, perhaps a quart bag would be more appropriate.

With the broth as a base, you have the beginning of a great vitamin-rich meal that can be served alone or used in synergy with other favorite ingredients for interesting chicken, fish, seafood or vegetarian meals.

Vegetable broth is also a perfect fat-free and salt-fee complement and flavorful springboard to adventures into all types of regional and international cookery. The possibilities are unlimited.

This recipe is very forgiving. You can add, subtract and alter the ingredients based on your own taste preferences and availability of ingredients.

Experimenting with new combinations is the fun part - at least it is for this flavor-hungry former caterer who has decided to tackle the challenge of losing weight in 2007.

Farmer's Market Vegetable Broth

1 gallon water

2 onions, sliced

3 celery stalks, sliced

3 carrots, peeled and sliced

3 garlic cloves

Fresh tomatoes, chopped

Plus lots of your favorite chopped vegetables, chopped fresh herbs and gourmet peppercorns.

Simmer on stove for about an hour or in a crockpot for a couple of hours. Strain and freeze in ice trays or freezer bags.

Well, I'm off to the kitchen to experiment with a Florida Seafood Stuffed Artichoke with Lemon, Citrus and Dill Vinaigrette for tonight's dinner.

From The Entertaining With Kathi Newspaper Column ~ originally published Jan. 3, 2007

For more recipes and ideas visit If you are in the Tallahassee, Florida area, come join us for a cooking class taught by Kathi Dameron at Winner's Weight Loss on February 6, 2007. The class is free but seating is limited. Kathi can be reached at

PB Shakes ReviewsOrganic Hemp Shake

1875 marked the year Michigan legislature voted to give money to a new hospital as long two homeopathic professors were allowed to teach at the University of Michigan.

In a 1890 Harpers Magazine article Mark Twain mentioned the great value of homeopathy: "The introduction of homeopathy forced the old school doctor to stir around and learn something of a rational nature about his business. Good old Mark also proclaimed "that you may honestly feel grateful that the homeopath survived attempts of the allopathists to destroy it."

By the early 1900s, there were 22 homeopathic medical schools, more than 100 homeopathic hospitals, over 60 orphan asylums and old people's homes and more than 1,000 homeopathic pharmacies in the United States.
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Organic Hemp Shake

Eco Friendly Zone

Get Rid of Toxins and You Will Lose Weight Fast
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Eco Friendly Zone

Dr Wheatgrass Supershots - Bottled Wheatgrass Juice

This information is correct and very much on target to help and prevent heart as well as nervous system conditions. So we can see how the FDA does intervene and take action against botanicals that can have harmful effects on the body when consumed, especially in high quantities.

Ephedra and its uses need to be reconsidered. What its purpose is. What it can safely be used for. And most importantly, what it should not be used for. These issues and more are currently being addressed with research.

Disclaimer - The information presented here should not be interpreted as or substituted for medical advice. Please talk to a qualified professional for more information about Ephedra.
View this website for more Info on...
Dr Wheatgrass Supershots - Bottled Wheatgrass Juice

Business Wire - Cold Stone is Shakin' Things Up for National Ice Cream Month

Fri, 30 Jun 2006 07:00:00 GMT
June 30, 2006 -- SCOTTSDALE, Ariz. -- Cold Stone Creamery Introduces a New Line of Smoothies and Ice Cream Shakes While Challenging Americans to a Dance-Off Cold...

An interview with Francine Prose -

Wed, 24 Sep 2008 16:52:32 GMT

An interview with Francine Prose, PA - Sep 24, 2008
pB: Was there some sort of event in your life that impacted your decision to write this particular story? FP: Well, I started writing this in the aftermath ...


Thu, 25 Sep 2008 22:20:48 EDT
... n easy no-nonsense pick are bananas, which needn’t be washed and come is perfectly proportioned packages! LIGHTFULL SHAKES (www. lightfullfoods. ... Roll them up with a banana and PB inside, or tear open a tuna or salmon pouch to create a sandwich on the run. They even taste great plain. So stock up....

Dairy Foods - Cold Stone Creamery

Tue, 01 Aug 2006 07:00:00 GMT
August 1, 2006 -- Cold Stone Creamery, Scottsdale, Ariz., is well known for offering innovative ice cream combinations of the highest quality served with enthusiasm....

Psyllium Husk and Powder
Dried Whole Medicinal Herbs
Certified Organic Spirulina Tablets - 500mg x 250
