Monday, January 12, 2009

More Great Healing Resources.

Natural RemediesViewing all entries for: October 2008 -

Wed, 07 Jan 2009 09:26:00 GMT
AND speaking of bad last-minute decisions: you're up, and you have more paths to victory than Paul Simon has breakup techniques . Kerry states plus IA-CO-NM? Safe. Kerry plus OH ...

Natural Remedies Are Most Suitable For Good Eye Care

Thu, 08 Jan 2009 17:15:06 EST
Without our sight, the world would be a very dark and foreboding place. This makes our eye the most valuable organ in our body. Proper eye care will ensure that you enjoy good eye health. The eye is a...

HealingDon't Let Your Job Kill You - How To Fight Back When It Comes To Your Health

How many of you spend hours in front of your computer every day working on project after project for your boss, putting money in your boss? or company?s pockets, completing the work of two or three people in the course of a day and feel yourself slowly putting on the pounds?

How many times have you skipped lunch or just grabbed a candy bar from the vending machine so you could finish your work and clock out on time?

Take a look around your office and see how many other people are in your the very same boat as you are?.who?ve put on countless pounds since they started working with you.

Your company may even offer you health insurance but what your company should be doing is offering to stop its slow, methodical drain in your energy, in your health and just STOP KILLING YOU!!

If your company offers a discount on a gym membership?..then great for you! But for those of us struggling to find time in the day just to grab a bite to eat, what?s the benefit of a gym membership if you don?t have any time to go to the gym.

For the majority of us who work for companies who don?t have fitness centers on site, who don?t subsidize fitness or gym memberships and who don?t give you more than a few minutes each day for breaks then you?ll just have to take matters into your own hands and make the time to get more active while you?re at work.

Here?s how I fight back when it comes to getting the exercise my body needs:

1. Take the stairs instead of the elevator when going up less than 3 flights.

2. Use a restroom that?s farther away from my office to add an extra couple hundred steps each day.

3. Have walking meeting with colleagues?instead of sitting down for a brief 5 to 10 minute meeting I conduct a mobile meeting killing two birds with one stone.

4. Keep a supply of water under my desk so I can still get my 64 ounces of water in a day.

5. Keep healthier snacks on hand, like rice cakes or multigrain bars to avoid going to the vending machine for a candy bar.

This is only a small list of the things that I do to stay active during my workday. I will not let my job be the death of me. I'll continue to fight hard each day to get healthy and stay healthy.

So join me in fighting back. Make exercise an integral part of your workday and you?ll notice more energy, more productivity and a better sense of wellbeing.

Libido for Men
Damiana Powder